Británie: Vláda Rishiho Sunaka. Už rezignoval jeho první ministr - po čtrnácti dnech ve funkci
9. 11. 2022
Guardian front page, Wednesday 9 November 2022: 'Unethical, immoral' Williamson quits over claims he bullied staff pic.twitter.com/MdNwaT0mPZ
— The Guardian (@guardian) November 8, 2022
“Make sure when you give him this cheque he knows that I now own him.”
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) November 8, 2022
Sir Gavin Williamson has been accused of issuing an inappropriate threat to an MP in financial trouble by former deputy chief whip Anne Milton, who used to work with him when he was chief whip. pic.twitter.com/bo8WTBkGmQ
Williamson obdrží odškodné za odchod z funkce ve výši 16 876 liber (cca půl milionu Kč) za pouhých čtrnáct dní v ministerské funkci (kromě toho dostane za těch čtrnáct dní plat 2589 liber hrubého).-In his response, Rishi Sunak said he was accepting Williamson's resignation with "great sadness" but added that he supported his decision to stand down.
— Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) November 8, 2022
PM also thanked him for his "personal support and loyalty". pic.twitter.com/RpNTVTmxnw
Gavin Williamson will pick up £16,876 in severance pay for lasting exactly TWO weeks in government (plus £2,589 in gross pay).
— Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) November 8, 2022
As it's the third time he's been sacked/ forced to quit govt, presumably he's done quite nicely out of taxpayer.
Williamson byl nucen rezignovat už třikrát, za tří premiérů: Za Mayové, za Johnsona a nyní za Sunaka:
Gavin Williamson has now been forced out of cabinets under three PMs - May, Boris now Sunak.
— Ben Riley-Smith (@benrileysmith) November 8, 2022
A teď ještě Bravermanová!
Rezignace Gavina Williamsona znamená, že od začátku roku 2022 bylo vyhozeno z funkce nebo nuceno odstoupit 80 členů vládního týmu tvořeného Konzervativní stranou...
Gavin Williamson's resignation means that now a total of 80 ministers or whips have resigned or been sacked from the government since the start of 2022 (source: House of Commons Library and this Sky News piece https://t.co/sbJVwYta92)
— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) November 8, 2022
Williamson rezignovat. Nejprve Sunak znovu do funkce jmenoval vyhozenou Bravermanovou, teď tohle. Sunakovo postavení je neudržitelné. Musí rezignovat z funkce premiéra a vyhlásit všeobecné volby.
Williamson has resigned. First, he reappointed Braverman now this. @RishiSunak 's position is untenable. He must resign as Prime Minister & call a General Election.
— Bill Cruickshank (@BjCruickshank) November 8, 2022
Byl to velmi, velmi špatný úsudek od Sunaka jmenovat Williamsona znovu do vlády. Nemá o ničem ponětí. Mnoho z nás to říkalo už dříve. Sunak měl šanci dokázat, že zosobňuje změnu od vlád Johnsona a Trussové. Selhal při první příležitosti. Bravermanová bude další.
Very very poor judgement to bring him back at all. Not hindsight speaking. Many of us said so at the time. Sunak had a chance to show change from the Johnson Truss regimes. And failed at the first hurdle. Braverman next. https://t.co/PfrhvLp9c3
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) November 8, 2022
Jak dlouho vydrží Bravermanová?
It took 72 hours - how long will Braverman last? And why? https://t.co/9CcSjE26dU
— Gavin Esler (@gavinesler) November 8, 2022