Fundamentalističtí stoupenci brexitu zuří. Zítra zřejmě bude Dolní sněmovna hlasovat o důvěře Mayové
14. 11. 2018
Tory Brexiters become angrier and angrier as they wade through 585 pages of the Withdrawal Agreement. “This is a worse capitulation than we feared” said one. They tell me there will be enough letters in with Brady of ‘22 C’ttee by lunch tomorrow to force vote of confidence!
— Robert Peston (@Peston) November 14, 2018
Leaving the backstop:
— Tom McTague (@TomMcTague) November 14, 2018
UK may notify EU of intention to leave. Within 6 months a joint committee shall meet to consider the notification. If the EU and the UK decide "jointly" it's no longer needed to keep the Irish border open it will cease to apply.
Short version: EU has a veto
A během pětihodinového jednání britské vlády o této smlouvě bylo proti ní 11 z 29 přítomných ministrů:
BREAKING One third of the Cabinet spoke out against the deal tonight at the five hour long meeting - 11 out of 29 ministers in attendance. Definitely not unanimous approval for Theresa May's Brexit deal.
— Christopher Hope (@christopherhope) November 14, 2018
"I firmly believe - with my head and my heart - that this is a decision which is in the best interests of our entire United Kingdom."
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) November 14, 2018
Theresa May finally emerges from a mammoth Cabinet meeting, saying her ministers support her draft Brexit deal. pic.twitter.com/AwP8umnjj7
Big development. Possible no confidence vote in the Prime Minister tomorrow. @nicholaswatt will be outside Downing Street with all the latest news on @BBCNewsnight at 10.30pm BBC2. https://t.co/JCCghHEJJJ
— Liz Rawlings (@lizrawlings) November 14, 2018
Zatímco britská vláda stále ještě "jedná" o dohodě o brexitu (od 14 hodin!) poslanci Konzervativní strany berou věc do vlastních rukou:
So while the Cabinet are still sitting inside, outside it seems the Tory backbenches might be moving to take the decision out of their hands
— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) November 14, 2018