Šel pro rodné listy...
13. 8. 2024
čas čtení
1 minuta
Mohammad Abu Al-Qumsan, který byl vysídlen ze severní Gazy do Deir al-Balah, si šel pro rodné listy pro svá novorozená dvojčata. Izraelský nálet je pak zabil, stejně jako jeho ženu a její matku.
Mohammad Abu Al-Qumsan, displaced from northern Gaza to Deir al-Balah, went to get birth certificates for his newborn twins. An Israeli airstrike then killed them, his wife, and her mother. pic.twitter.com/zfEHqyWoML
— Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده (@RamAbdu) August 13, 2024
Newborn twins in Gaza were killed with their mother and grandmother as their father went to collect birth certificates earlier today.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) August 13, 2024
According to local media, the family had been displaced from northern Gaza and had sheltered further south.https://t.co/8VXCbSd5II pic.twitter.com/QXzMe342WV