Krásný nový svět: Buzeranti, imigranti, cikáni a všichni ostatní příživníci půjdou konečně do plynu
16. 11. 2017 / Bohumil Kartous
Autor obrázku: Jáchym Bohumil KartousVážně...11. 11. 2017
Marek Černoch, MP for Úsvit, said that Staník's statements were even worse. "He demanded that all homosexuals, Roma, and Jews should be shot immediately after they have been born. He also verbally attacked the women that were present with gross insults."
Several other witnesses have confirmed that Staník demanded the gassing of Jews and Roma.
In the general election which took place on 20th and 21st October, Staník's SPD party won 10.64% of the vote and holds 22 seats in the 200 seat lower chamber of the Czech Parliament.
Source in Czech HERE