Popular Czech websites mislead the public

16. 6. 2016

čas čtení 2 minuty

The highly popular, racist Czech website Parlamentní listy   systematically misleads the public, say specialist from Masaryk University in Brno. They have analysed in detail 2660 articles, published by "pro-Russian websites" Sputnik, AC24, Svět kolem nás (The world around us) and Parlamentní listy in March 2016. The analysis shows that 40 per cent of these articles placed non-existent blame on various individuals or institutions, 34 per cent of these articles contained unsubstantiated alarmist news and rumours. 18 per cent of these articles gave individuals or institutions unsubstantiated labels and almost 8 per cent of the published news articles contained subjective views of their authors.

It has been found that the websites under scrutiny do not use primitive pro-Russian propaganda, or fake pictures. Instead, they construct an image of a collapsing democratic system of the West. When reporting the situation in Ukraine or Syria, these websites pretend that nothing serious or drastic is happening in these countries.

The Parlamentní listy website seems to be the worst of the three examined websites. More than 50 per cent of its articles placed non-existent blame on various individuals or institutions, more than 30 per cent of its articles were pure fantasy, 30 per cent of its articles gave índividuals and institutions unsubstantiated labels and more than 12 per cent of its articles spread fear. The Masaryk University analysis has shown that Parlamentní listy is a website which systematically disseminates anti-refugee propaganda and supports the political and economic interests of Russia and China and of those Czech politicans who support the governments of these countries. Mainstream Czech politicians give interviews to Parlamentní listy and publish their articles on this website, thus legitimising it.

Source in Czech HERE

More on Parlamentní listy:

A Czech website which is in the forefront of spreading anti-refugee hatred

Czech presidential spokesperson praises a racist website as a "highly pluralist medium"

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Obsah vydání | 16. 6. 2016