Co očekávat od italských jednání o nové vládní koalici?
22. 8. 2019
V Itálii ve středu začala jednání o vytvoření nové vládní koalice po rezignaci premiéra Giuseppa Conta, který řídil vládu v napjatých vztazích s ultrapravicovou Ligou.30. 7. 2019
Salvini accused of taking orders from Moscow after a strike at Russian-owned oil refinery in Italy was banned following Kremlin request. RU ambo to Italy asked him to stop the protests bc they were damaging Lukoil’s rep & had cost it “a few million euros”
— ArianaGic/Аріянॳць (@GicAriana) July 29, 2019
Salvini accused of taking orders from Moscow after a strike at Russian-owned oil refinery in Italy was banned following Kremlin request. RU ambo to Italy asked him to stop the protests bc they were damaging Lukoil’s rep & had cost it “a few million euros”
— ArianaGic/Аріянॳць (@GicAriana) July 29, 2019