17. 6. 2013
Vzpoura v Turecku a dilema Kurdů
6. 6. 2013 /Útěk továren v koncích?
3. 6. 2013 /Británie po ztrátě hegemonie hledá svou identitu
29. 5. 2013 /Sýrie: pro Západ žádná výhra
11. 5. 2013 /Čím zájmům slouží BRICS ?
8. 4. 2013 /Světové sociální fórum: zápas pokračuje
4. 2. 2013 /Riskantní sázka Hollandea v Mali: nebude z ní vleklá katastrofa?
21. 1. 2013 /Strukturní krize: Nevypočitatelné faktory střednědobého výhledu
2. 1. 2013 /Globální pozdvižení ve střednědobém pohledu
17. 12. 2012 /Hospodářská restrikce -- na čí úkor?
* 28. 9. 1930
řádný profesor sociologie Binghamton University a ředitel Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations.
vzdělání, akademická dráha:
B.A. Columbia University, 1951
M.A., 1954
Ph.D., 1959
Dr. h.c.; Univ. Paris-Denis Diderot, 1976
(Litt. D.), York Univ., 1995
Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, 1996
Univ. Nac. Aut. de México (UNAM), 1998
Ist. Sup. de Cięnças de Trabalho e Empresa (ISCTE, Lisbon), 1999
Benemérita Univ. Aut. de Puebla, 1999
Profesionální aktivity:
President, International Sociological Association, 1994-1998
Chair, Gulbenkian Commission on the Restructuring of the Social Sciences, 1993-1995
Charter Member, Society for Comparative Research, 1994-
Adjunct Scholar Abroad, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University, Seoul, 1992-
Member, Advisory Committee on International Programs, Social Science Research Council and American Council of Learned Societies, 1984-87
Member, World Association for International Relations, 1983-
Member, Sociological Research Association, 1980-
Member, Board of Directors, Social Science Research Council, 1979-85
Member, American Council of Learned Societies and U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences, 1979-1991 (co-chair, Subcommission on World Labor and Social Change)
Member, Executive Council, International African Institute, 1978-84
Alternate Member, Council, International Sociological Association, 1978-86
Member, Council, Tocqueville Society 1978-1982
Member, Program Committee, IXth Congress, International Sociological Association, Uppsala, 1978
Co-chair, Association of Concerned Africa Scholars, 1977-91
Member, Comitato Scientifico, Istituto Int. di Storia Economica 'Francesco Datini', Prato, 1977-
Member, Int. Comm. on the Social and Economic History of Turkey (1071-1920), 1977-
Member, Board of Governors, Institute of American Studies (Paris), 1977-81
Member, Executive Council, American Sociological Association, 1977-80
Member, Comité de Direction, Groupe Etat et Capitalisme ŕ l'Epoque Moderne, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1976-
Vice President, Research Commission, National Movements and Imperialism, International Sociological Association, 1974-90
President, Research Commission, Centre Québécois des Relations Internationales, 1974-75
President, African Studies Association, 1972-73
stipendia, stáže, výuka, ocenění:
Y.K. Pao Distinguished Lecturer, Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology, 2000
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Amsterdam School of Social Science Research, 1999
Fellow, Amer. Acad. of Arts & Sciences, 1998
IPE Distinguished Scholar, International Studies Association, 1998
Tyneside Geographical Society Lecturer, 1996
Gulbenkian Professor of Science and Technology, 1994
Medal of the University, Univ. of Helsinki, 1992
Distinguished Lecturer in Historical Geography of Social Change, Assn. of American Geographers, 1992
University Award for Excellence in Scholarship, Binghamton University, 1991
Wei Lun Visiting Professor, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, 1991
George A. Miller Visiting Professor, University of Illinois-Urbana, 1989
Tripartite Lecturer, Royal Geographical Society, Geographical Association, Institute of British Geographers, London, 1988
Distinguished Speaker, Center for Advanced Study in International Development, Michigan State Univ., 1987
Officier, Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, France, 1984
Marshall Woods Lecturer, Brown University, 1977, 1984
Cecil H. and Ida Green Visiting Professor, University of British Columbia, 1977
Distinguished Speaker, International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations, 1977
Sorokin Prize (for Distinguished Scholarship), American Sociological Association, 1975
Sorokin Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan, 1975
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1970-71
Ford Fellow in Economics, Political Science and Sociology, 1970-71
Rosenfield Lecturer, Grinnell College, 1968
Foreign Area Fellowship, Africa, 1955-57
Phi Beta Kappa, 1951
redakční práce:
Editor, Review, 1977-
Editor, Studies in Political Economy of the World-System (Greenwood; formerly Sage), 1978-
Co-editor, Studies in Modern Capitalism (Cambridge Univ. Press), 1979-
Mediterranean Social Sciences Review, 1996- Asian Perspective, 1995-
Development and Change, 1994- CEMOTI, 1993- African Journal of Political Economy, 1986-
Political Geography 1982-
SUNY Press Editorial Board, 1977-80
Canadian Journal of Sociology, 1974-78
West African Journal of Sociology, 1974-
Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 1973-77
Africa Today, 1968-
African Studies Bulletin, 1965-69