Výzva - Odmietame demontáž slobody médií zásahmi do nezávislosti RTVS

14. 3. 2024

čas čtení 8 minut

Demontáž RTVS je priamym zásahom do slobody médií

Verejné prehlásenie česko - slovenskej občianskej spoločnosti k zasahovaniu do slobody slova.

V čase, keď si väčšina krajín EÚ uvedomuje dôležitosť verejnoprávnych médií v kontexte boja proti dezinformáciám, vláda Roberta Fica sa rozhodla túto inštitúciu na Slovensku zrušiť a nahradiť ju vysielateľom, ktorý bude pod priamou politickou kontrolou. Vyplýva to z návrhu nového zákona, ktorým sa ruší súčasná RTVS a na základe ktorého vznikne nový vysielateľ, ktorý bude pod priamou kontrolou súčasnej vládnej garnitúry.

Súčasný riaditeľ Ľuboš Machaj sa o situácii vyjadril nasledovne: „Som presvedčený, že zmeny, ktoré zákonodarca navrhuje, sú jasné, účelové a v rozpore s princípmi európskej ochrany verejnoprávnych médií, ako ich deklarujú medzinárodné normy – mimochodom, záväzné pre Slovensko.“ 


  • RTVS zanikne, vznikne Slovenská televízia a rozhlas.

  • Funkcia riaditeľa RTVS zaniká ku dňu účinnosti zákona, hoci mal funkčné obdobie do roku 2027. Jeho nástupcu a riaditeľa STaR už podľa návrhu nebude voliť parlament, ale Rada Slovenskej televízie a rozhlasu.

  • Ruší sa Rada RTVS a funkčné obdobie členov zaniká ku dňu účinnosti zákona. 

  • Mení sa počet členov Rady a spôsob ich menovania: počet sa znižuje z 9 na 7, z toho 2 členov bude priamo menovať ministerka kultúry, jedného minister financií, zvyšných 4 bude voliť NR SR. 

  • Rada získa novú právomoc, a to odvolať riaditeľa, bez uvedenia dôvodu. 

  • Vznikne nový orgán s názvom Programová rada. Jej úlohou bude posudzovanie a kontrola programu „z hľadiska dodržiavania verejnoprávneho charakteru vysielania“. Má mať 11 členov – deviatich volených parlamentom a dvoch volených zamestnancami spomedzi seba. 

  • Programová rada zároveň dostane veľmi silnú právomoc, pretože riaditeľ STaR by mohol skončiť aj v prípade, „ak v určenej lehote alebo bez náležitého odôvodnenia nevykonal nápravu vo vysielaní verejnej služby podľa rozhodnutia Programovej rady“.


Ako zástupcovia nižšie podpísaných organizácií odmietame nový legislatívny návrh vládnej koalície, keďže podľa nášho názoru znamená koniec nezávislého verejnoprávneho vysielania na Slovensku a je taktiež v rozpore so schváleným Európskym aktom o slobode médií.Podporujeme vyhlásenie viac ako 1000 zamestnancov RTVS, ktorí žiadajú stiahnutie návrhu a varujú, aby sa predložená reforma nestala nástrojom politického ovládnutia RTVS pre akúkoľvek vládnu moc. Podporujeme snahu zamestnancov iniciovať celospoločenskú diskusiu o budúcnosti verejnoprávneho média ako garanta nezávislej novinárskej a kultúrnej tvorby. 

Žiadame inštitúcie EÚ a ďalšie medzinárodné organizácie, aby v rámci svojich kompetencií podnikli kroky na ochranu slobody médií na Slovensku.

  1. Victor Breiner, riaditeľ Inštitútu pre budovanie odolnosti (SK)

  2. Rasťo Kužel, riaditeľ MEMO 98 (SK)

  3. Andrea Michalcová, riaditeľka Centra pre informovanú spoločnosť (CZ)

  4. Roman Číhalík, předseda spolku, Nelež (CZ)

  5. Andrej Probst, předseda, Pražská kaviareň, z.s. (CZ)

  6. Fedor Blaščák, správca nadácie, Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti (SK)

  7. Zuzana Petková, riaditeľka, Nadácia Zastavme korupciu (SK)

  8. Jakub Janda, ředitel, Bezpečnostní centrum Evropské hodnoty (CZ)

  9. Sandra Polovková, riaditeľka, Post Bellum (SK)


The capture of RTVS, the Slovak public broadcaster, represents a direct assault on media freedom.

Public declaration by Czech and Slovak civil society organisations regarding the infringement on freedom of speech.

At a time when the majority of EU countries acknowledge the importance of public service media in combating disinformation, the government under Robert Fico has chosen to dismantle this institution in Slovakia. Instead, a broadcaster that will be under direct political control is to be established. This intent is clear from the draft legislation that seeks to abolish the current public broadcaster RTVS and replace it with a new entity, which will fall under the direct influence of the current administration

The current director general, Ľuboš Machaj, offered the following commentary on the situation: "I firmly believe that the changes proposed by the legislature are intentional and run counter to the principles of European protection of public service media as outlined by international standards. It is worth noting that these standards are binding for Slovakia."." 

What is changing:

  • RTVS will be discontinued, and Slovak Television and Radio (STaR) will be established in its stead

  • The role of the RTVS director will be terminated as of the law's effective date, despite his term running until 2027. His successor, along with the director of STaR, will no longer be elected by Parliament but by the Council of Slovak Television and Radio instead.

  • The RTVS Council will be dissolved, with the tenure of its members concluding upon the law's enactment.

  • The composition and appointment method for the Council's members will see changes: their number will be reduced from nine to seven. Two of these members will be directly appointed by the Minister of Culture, one by the Minister of Finance, and the remaining four will be elected by the National Council of the Slovak Republic. 

  • Additionally, the Council will acquire new authority to dismiss the Director without needing to provide a reason. 

  • A new entity, the Programme Council, will be established to evaluate and oversee the programming "in terms of its adherence to the public service broadcasting ethos". It will comprise 11 members, with nine elected by Parliament and two by the staff from among their ranks.

  • The Programme Board will be endowed with significant powers, as it will have the authority to terminate the Director of STaR should he fail to "address deficiencies in public service broadcasting within a given timeframe or without adequate justification, as determined by the Programme Board..

The Bigger Picture: Implications on Media Freedom

  • Independent media serves as a cornerstone of democracy. The proposed changes will significantly undermine democracy in Slovakia, leading to a likely decline in the country's standing on the Reporters Without Borders index. Viktor Orbán took a decade to dominate the media landscape in Hungary; Robert Fico has considerably less time at his disposal.

  • The draft legislation stands in stark contrast to the European Freedom of the Media Act, which aims to establish a unified framework for media services within the EU internal market. The proposed law includes measures to guard against political meddling in editorial choices, highlighting the necessity for the independence and secure financing of public service media, alongside the transparency of media ownership and the distribution of state advertising. Furthermore, it introduces provisions to safeguard editorial independence and reveal conflicts of interest.

  • European Commission Vice President Věra Jourová, who played a pivotal role in proposing the legislation, remarked that "the new draft law on RTVS may spell the demise of independent journalism within Slovakia's public service media." 

Planned Legislative Timeline 

  • The legislation has been subjected to an abbreviated inter-ministerial commentary procedure and, as a result, will be open for comments for a mere eight days. Subsequently

  •  Subsequently, the bill is to be presented to the government's legislative council. According to the ministry, it is anticipated that the bill will be submitted to the cabinet in March 2024.

  • Following approval by the cabinet, the draft will be forwarded to Parliament, where it will undergo discussion at both the first and second readings, the latter of which will be preceded by a committee hearing.

  • The timeframe estimated for the enactment of this law is three months. There exists a possibility that the President may choose not to sign the bill, opting instead to return it to Parliament.

  • President Caputová's current term is set to conclude on 15 June 2024.

Call to action:

As representatives of the undersigned organisations, we firmly oppose the government coalition's new legislative proposal. In our view, this proposal signifies the termination of independent public broadcasting in Slovakia and stands in contradiction to the European Act on Freedom of the Media. We echo the sentiments of over 800 RTVS employees who demand the withdrawal of this proposal, cautioning that the suggested reform must not become an instrument of political control over RTVS by any government authority. We back the efforts of these employees to spark a nationwide discussion on the future of public service media as a bastion of independent journalism and cultural production.

We urge EU institutions and other international bodies to utilise their powers to safeguard media freedom in Slovakia.



Obsah vydání | 15. 3. 2024