9. 5. 2003
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ISSN 1213-1792


Jan Čulík


Karel Dolejší


Michal Panoch, Jan Panoch

Grafický návrh:

Štěpán Kotrba

ISSN 1213-1792
deník o všem, o čem se v České republice příliš nemluví
9. 5. 2003

Hašek and Švejk -- Humor of the Millennium

Lipnice on the Sázava River, The Czech Republic, April 28-30, 2003

A press release by the International Jaroslav Hašek Society

Marking the 120th anniversary of the most famous Czech writer Jaroslav Hašek's birth, The Jaroslav Hašek Society held an international conference at the Czech Crown Inn at Lipnice on the Sázava in the Czech Republic. It is here where during the years 1921-22 three of the four volumes of his unfinished novel The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk During the World War were written. At a gathering on the eve of the conference, the Czech Senate Speaker Petr Pithart emphasized the significance of Hašek's work in connection with the anticipated entry of the Czech Republic into the European Union. Among the participants of the conference were also translators and writers from several countries: Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, Finland, Spain, Germany and the United States.

Hašek & Svejk's pages >

Literary historian Radko Pytlik in the opening presentation highlighted Hašek's concept of the irony of history which is the key to realizing the significance of Švejk, whose humor is often aimed even at the current state of the world. The Patriarch of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, Jan Schwarz, reminded us that Hašek's satire is not an attack on faith in God, but merely a critique of the abuses and shortcomings accumulated within the Church over a millennium. Literary scholar Milan Jankovič analyzed some epic advances of Hašek's Švejk and demonstrated the meaningfulness of his laughter's content. Poet and humorist Eugen Brikcius pointed out in a clever way various types of mystification as avenues to uncovering the truth. Jiří Žáček confirmed the humourous nature of the conference by reading several satirical poems from his new book.

A remarkable feature was the attendance of Alois Vocásek, born in 1896. This, perhaps last eyewittness of the historical WWI battle near Zborov, met Jaroslav Hašek when they were both members of the Czecho-Slovak Legions there.

In the afternoon the conference participants visited the Jaroslav Hašek Memorial in Lipnice and then remembered the 120th anniversary of the author's birthday by his graveside at the Lipnice Old Cemetery.

Josef Kobra-Kučera, the co-chairman of the current incarnation of the political parody party founded by Hašek, The Party of Mild Progress Within the Limits of the Law recalled the political cartoon tradition which has a number of its top-level practitioners in Bohemia who have won praise and prizes at international festivals, but still don't have a facility to host political cartoon and caricature exhibitions. A humorously styled fake letter from Josef Švejk was read by Andrej Drbal who was born in Lviv in the Ukraine. To cap the first day of the conference, actor Ivo Niederle read the newly discovered story written by Jaroslav Hašek under the title The Pork Story.

The conference continued Wednesday, April 30 with discussions of translations of Hašek's work into other languages. (So far it has been translated into 58 languages.)

Professor Oleg Malevich from St. Petersburg in Russia pointed out the connection between Jaroslav Hašek and Karel Čapek, the author of R.U.R. and other novels. It was the very work of Jaroslav Hašek which caused Malevich to become a bohemicist, a student of all things Czech. Editor Radmila Hrdinová analyzed the main features of the fifty theatrical versions of Švejk staged in Czech theaters since 1945 so far. She made an interesting point that while in Germany a Švejk musical has been created, this particular art form has not yet inspired Czech artists to write one. Monika Zgustová pointed out the connection between Hašek's writing and the work of Bohumil Hrabal, his so-called "pábení", "palavering", which became the starting point for her translation of the Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk into Catalan. The Finish translator Eero Balk spoke of the fact that the translations of Hašek's Švejk opened the gates for Czech literature in Finland. Zenny Sadlon expressed the difficulties of creating a new English translation of Švejk differing from the previous translation by Cecil Parrott. Lászlo Kovácz, a translator from Budapest reminded the audience of the continuing lively reception of Hašek's work in Hungary.

The next section was devoted to the individual aspects of Hašek's life and work. František Cinger spoke of Hašek's activity within the Czecho-Slovak Legions and the revolutionary Russia, which is still a hotly debated issue on the way to recognizing Hašek's work at present time. Film director Antonín Kachlík pointed out the historical background of Hašek's stay in Russia and the problems associated with that. The former Lipnice teacher František Drašner in an interesting way pointed out the details of Hašek's stay in Lipnice and reminded the audience of the pub phenomenon and the bohemian gatherings in Hašek's work.

The program included musical performances by Milan Karpíšek's Švejk Band from Pilsen accompanied by Přemysl Kubišta as Švejk. Another refreshing feature was the screening of Karel Lamač' 1926 film about Švejk with Karel Noll in the title role.

In closing, the participants expressed their thanks to all who were responsible for the smooth course of the conference by securing all the material provisions, i.e. above all the Czech Crown Inn and Pension proprietors, Richard and Zdena Hašek, as well as their staff.

Obsah vydání       9. 5. 2003
9. 5. 2003 Mušle vylovené z oceánu času Kathryn  Murphy
9. 5. 2003 Shells fished out of the ocean of time Kathryn  Murphy
10. 5. 2003 USA a Británie budou ovládat iráckou ropu
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7. 5. 2003 Monitor Jana Paula: Ještě jednou k integritě osobnosti Jan  Paul
9. 5. 2003 O slušnosti Jan  Čulík
9. 5. 2003 Advokáti jsou téma, o kterém se mlčí? Karel  Mašita
9. 5. 2003 Co dělají romské komunity
7. 5. 2003 "Jak se odvažujete říkat, že jsme vlci?" Jan  Čulík
8. 5. 2003 Murdochovu Fox News vyšetřuje v Británii komise pro vysílání kvůli zaujatosti jejího zpravodajství
8. 5. 2003 Vojska generála Vlasova v Čechách Štěpán  Kotrba, Jan  Čulík
8. 5. 2003 Osvobození ČSR
9. 5. 2003 V Bohumíně oslavili včerejší státní svátek sportovními aktivitami Jaroslav  Hlaváček
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9. 5. 2003 Podivný vývoj: zpravodajská rozhlasová stanice vítězí v Británii nad rockem a popem
9. 5. 2003 Timesy: Není moudré, řeší-li britští konzervativci své spory útokem na BBC Jan  Čulík
9. 5. 2003 Mezinárodní konference Hašek a Švejk -- humor tisíciletí
9. 5. 2003 Hašek and Švejk -- Humor of the Millennium
9. 5. 2003 Minisummit pod paľbou Oskar  Krejčí
8. 5. 2003 Búrlivé osudy starovekého Blízkeho východu Peter  Greguš
8. 5. 2003 Víťazstvo zbraní, prehra propagandy Leopold  Moravčík
9. 5. 2003 Som federalista Ivan  Štefunko
7. 5. 2003 Včely Jaroslav  Hutka
7. 5. 2003 Irácký ministr informací Al-Sahháf nabízí, že se vzdá Američanům, a ti ho odmítají
7. 5. 2003 Memento 6.
aneb o českém praporu
Miloš  Dokulil
7. 5. 2003 Memento 7.
aneb maličko o "rovnoprávnosti" žen
Miloš  Dokulil
7. 5. 2003 Globalizace neznamená amerikanizaci
7. 5. 2003 Komise pro etiku k veřejnému zájmu
7. 5. 2003 Xenofobie v českých sdělovacích prostředcích František  Kostlán
7. 5. 2003 Kde jsou peníze majitelů nemovitostí? Radek  Mokrý
7. 5. 2003 Reforma financí = transparentní účty Michal  Rusek
6. 5. 2003 Čtenost BL v březnu a dubnu 2003: cca 6-7000 čtenářů denně, 45 000 individuálních IP adres měsíčně
5. 2. 2003 Pošta redakci
2. 5. 2003 Hospodaření OSBL za duben 2003
18. 6. 2004 Inzerujte v Britských listech

Česká literatura RSS 2.0      Historie >
9. 5. 2003 Mezinárodní konference Hašek a Švejk -- humor tisíciletí   
9. 5. 2003 Hašek and Švejk -- Humor of the Millennium   
9. 5. 2003 Mušle vylovené z oceánu času Kathryn  Murphy
9. 5. 2003 Shells fished out of the ocean of time Kathryn  Murphy
7. 5. 2003 Včely Jaroslav  Hutka
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24. 4. 2003 Zrazuji lidi, firmu nebo vlast? Jaroslav  Vejvoda
24. 4. 2003 Lidství na skřipci Jan  Čulík
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5. 2. 2003 Vysvědčení Jaroslav  Hutka
28. 1. 2003 The significance of Jan Hus for Czech history Kathryn  Murphy
28. 1. 2003 Zemřel profesor Alexander Stich Jan  Čulík
28. 1. 2003 Sebrané spisy básníka Miroslava Holuba